Saturday, December 12, 2009

85. Concussion

Concussion/[kuhn-kuhsh-uhn]/ n [roxglish]

1. To prepare by mixing ingredients, as in cooking.. [See concoction]

rxn: Starfruit concussion !

Friday, November 27, 2009

84. Kua

Kua/[Ku -a]/ v [roxglish]

1. To advance or travel on foot at a moderate speed or pace; proceed by steps; move by advancing the feet alternately so that there is always one foot on the ground in bipedal locomotion and two or more feet on the ground in quadrupedal locomotion. [See walk]

rxn: kua kua fashion baby, work it moove that bitch craazy (from Lady Gaga's Bad Romance)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

83. Moonlight

Moonlight/[mooo-n lyte]/ n [roxglish]

1. Sequel to the young adult vampire novel written by author Stephenie Meyer, Twilight. [See New Moon]

rxn: Huh what's coming out on Dec 3? OHOH I KNOW! MOONLIGHT!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

82. Excrete

Excrete/[x-kryte]/ v [roxglish]

1. to discharge, generate, or release by the process of secretion. [See Secrete]

rxn: My face excretes oil

81. Tako-yaki

Tako-yaki/[tar-ko yarrr kee]/ n [roxglish]

1. It is made from several bite-sized pieces of chicken meat, or chicken offal, skewered on a bamboo skewer and barbecued, usually over charcoal.. [See Yaki-tori]

(In front of Tori-Q)
rxn: I wanna eat takoyaki! I wanna eat takoyaki! I wanna eat takoyaki!

Friday, June 26, 2009

80. Skunk

Skunk/[skuhngk]/ n [roxglish]

1. One who is disgustingly foul or filthy and often considered sexually promiscuous. Used especially of a woman or girl. [See skank]

2. Disgusting or vulgar matter; filth.

rxn: xx say she's a skunk lehhhh......

79. Casting Crows

Casting Crows/[kast ting kroes]/ n [roxglish]

1. Grammy Award and Dove Award winning Christian band that employs a soft rock music style. (See Casting Crowns)

qh: you know the song by the band, Casting Crowns?
rxn: yea i know.... Casting Crows.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

78. Vulgaritys

vulgaritys /[vuhl-gar-i-tee]/ n [roxglish]

1. the state or quality of being vulgar: the vulgarity of his remark.

something vulgar, as an act or expression.

rxn: mak no vulgaritys here.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

77. Kerb

Kerb/[curb]/ n [roxglish]

1. Speed bump [See road hump]

velocity-reducing feature of road design to slow traffic or reduce through traffic

(in the car)
-car jerks-
rxn: hahaha edmund you mount kerb!
edmund: erm no that was a hump

76. Feathers

Feathers /[fare ders]/ n [roxglish]

1. the fine, soft, thick, hairy coat of the skin of a mammal.

the skin of certain animals, as the sable, ermine, or beaver, covered with such a coat, used for lining, trimming, or making garments.

any coating resembling or suggesting fur, as certain matter on the tongue.

rxn: dogs have feathers what

75. Latch

Latch /[let ch]/ n [roxglish]

1. a chain, strap, etc., for controlling or leading a dog or other animal; lead. [See Leash]

check; curb; restraint: to keep one's temper in leash; a tight leash on one's subordinates.

rxn: latch the dogs !

74. Smack

Smack /[smeeck]/ adj [roxglish]

1. quick or prompt in action, as persons [See Smart]

having or showing quick intelligence or ready mental capability: a smart student.

shrewd or sharp, as a person in dealing with others or as in business dealings: a smart businessman.

rxn: dont be a smack alec ah!

Friday, April 24, 2009

73. Applaude

Applaude /[uh-plawd]/ v [roxglish]

1. to clap the hands as an expression of approval, appreciation, acclamation, etc.: They applauded wildly at the end of the opera.

to express approval; give praise; acclaim.

rxn: you took alot of effort just to capture this shot... i applaude u.

72. Light

light /[lahyt]/ adj [roxglish]

1. situated, placed, or occurring not far above the ground, floor, or base: a low shelf.

of small extent upward; not high or tall: A low wall surrounds the property.

of small number, amount, degree, force, intensity, etc.: low visibility; a generator with a low output.

rxn: oh the degree of your eyes quite light...

Monday, April 20, 2009

71. Savage

Savage /[seh vij]/ v [roxglish]

1. the property so saved.

2. the act of saving anything from fire, danger, etc.

3. the value or proceeds upon sale of goods recovered from a fire.

[See salvage]

rxn: omg... help me savage the situation solution

Saturday, April 18, 2009

70. Fantasying

Fantasying /[fan-tuh-see-ing]/ v [roxglish]

1. to conceive fanciful or extravagant notions, ideas, suppositions, or the like (often fol. by about): to fantasize about the ideal job.

to create in one's fancy, daydreams, or the like; imagine: to fantasize a trip through space.

rxn: eh he is fantasying..

69. Pause

Pause /[pawz]/ n [roxglish]

1. to cease from, leave off, or discontinue: to stop running.

to cause to cease; put an end to: to stop noise in the street.

to interrupt, arrest, or check (a course, proceeding, process, etc.): Stop your work just a minute

to prevent from proceeding, acting, operating, continuing, etc.: to stop a speaker; to stop a car.

rxn: eh edmund, you pause the car at the traffic light there.

66. Siew Mai

Siew Mai /[siew mai]/ n [roxdialect]

1. a traditional Chinese dumpling serve in dim sum.

rxn: *points to har gao* Siew mai, I like!

66. Diverse

Diverse /[di-vurs, dahy-, dahy-vurs]/ v [roxglish]

1. to turn aside or from a path or course; deflect.

2. to draw off to a different course, purpose, etc.

3. to distract from serious occupation; entertain or amuse.

[See divert]

rxn: you dont diverse the topic la!

65. Chinese (2)

Chinese /[chahy-neez]/ n [roxdialect]

1. a form of dialect [See Cantonese]

rxn: 'siew mai' is chinese lor.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

64. Chinese

Chinese /[chahy-neez]/ n [roxdialect]

1. a form of dialect [See Hokkien]

kimhui: eh I am quite confused over the kind of teh.. what teh si, teh o, teh bin...
rxn: aiyo your chinese damn lousy leh!
rxn: ohhhh shitttttt.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

63. Turning

Turning /[tur-ning]/ n [roxglish]

1. the act of a person or thing that churns. [See churning]

rxn: eh i not feeling well.. my stomach is turning. how?

62. Rhino

Rhino /[rahy-noh]/ n [roxglish]

1. One of the four houses in a Singapore Junior College. [See RONO]

rxn: aiya, you bikila... and you rhino la!

61. Substract

Substract /[suhb-trakt]/ v [roxglish]

to withdraw or take away, as a part from a whole.

2. Mathematics. to take (one number or quantity) from another; deduct.

3. to take away something or a part, as from a whole.

[See subtract]

*telling a joke made by friend*
rxn: then you know, she said: 'dont A-D-D la. why not S-U-B-S-T-R-A-C-T.'

60. Chloride

Chloride /[klawr-ahyd]/ n [roxglish]

1. a salt of hydrofluoric acid consisting of two elements, one of which is fluorine, as sodium fluoride, NaF.

2. a compound containing fluorine, as methyl fluoride, CH3F.

qh: you know, cannot brush teeth too many times.
rxn: oh cos of the chloride in the toothpaste right?
qh: *puzzled look*
rxn: correct ma! the swimming pool one is fluoride....

Sunday, April 12, 2009

59. Compliment

Compliment /[kom-pluh-muhnt]/ n [roxglish]

1. an expression of praise, commendation, or admiration: A sincere compliment boosts one's morale.

a formal act or expression of civility, respect, or regard: The mayor paid him the compliment of escorting him.

compliments, a courteous greeting; good wishes; regards: He sends you his compliments.

rxn: eh qh, I compliments you, why you like that.

58. Three

Three /[three]/ n [roxaction]

1. a cardinal number, five plus one.

2. a symbol for this number, as 6 or VI.

rxn: *doing the hand action for six* eh qh, you see the third row...

57. Fern

Fern /[furn]/ v [roxglish]

1. Botany. a plant that grows upon or just beneath the surface of the ground, or upon any other surface, sending out rootlets from the stem, as ivy and couch grass. [See Creepers]

rxn: *pointing to creepers* i know what it is. it is called ferns right??

56. Bird Ferns

Bird Ferns /[burd furn]/ v [roxglish]

1. Aspleniums with an erect rhizome, unbranched, and forming a single growing tip. Their fronds (lamina) are simple and form a regular rosette, usually upright, which makes a nest at the bottom capable of holding litter in the form of leaves, bird droppings, etc. The sori form long rows extending out from the midrib on the back of the outer part of the lamina. [See Bird's Nest Ferns]

rxn: i know it is the bird ferns!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

55. you think you think

you think you think /[yoo-thingk yoo-thingk]/ n [roxglish]

1. a common form of retaliation. Often use in debates, bickers, defensive speech etc.

qh: blah blah blah bicker bicker bicker
rxn: you think you think...*feeble attempt to fight back with these 4 words*
[repeat line 1 & 2 for about 20 times and you will get the idea]

54. Diarhoe

Diarhoe /[dahy-uh-ree-uh]/ n [roxglish]

1. an intestinal disorder characterized by abnormal frequency and fluidity of fecal evacuations.

rxn: shit i having diarhoe after the buffet..

Monday, April 6, 2009

53. Intesticide

Intesticide /[in-tes-ci-side]/ n [roxglish]

1. a substance or preparation used for killing insects [See insecticide]


52. Grows-up

Grows-up /[grō uhp]/ n [roxglish]

1. having reached the age of maturity. [See grown-up]

2. characteristic of or suitable for adults

rxn: omg can you two please be grows-up?!

Friday, April 3, 2009

51. Elective

Elective /[i-lek-tiv]/ n [roxglish]

1. having the function or power of selecting; making a selection.

2. characterized by selection, esp. fastidious selection.

3. of or pertaining to selection.

rxn: I got elective hearing! i cannot hear you!

50. Situation

Situation /[sich-oo-ey-shuh]/ n [roxglish]

1. the act of solving a problem, question, etc.: The situation is approaching solution.

the state of being solved: a problem capable of solution.

a particular instance or method of solving; an explanation or answer: The solution is as good as any other.

rxn: *holding to her sleeping bag and discussing where to sleep* eh can you find me a situation for me now?

49. Elmo

Elmo /[l-mole]/ v [roxglish]

[from the children's TV program "Sesame Street"] Any of a family of early (1970s) hacks reported on TOPS-10, ITS, Multics, and elsewhere that would lock up either the victim's terminal (on a time-sharing machine) or the console (on a batch mainframe), repeatedly demanding "I WANT A COOKIE". The required responses ranged in complexity from "COOKIE" through "HAVE A COOKIE" and upward.

rxn: *points to cookie monster* there! it is ELMO!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

48. Talken

Talken /[ tok-'en ]/ v [roxglish]

1. To articulate (words)

2. To give expression to in words

3. To spread rumors; gossip

Rxn: omg you know i haven't talken to them before!

47. Fulling

Fulling/ [fool ling]/ v [roxglish]

1. an act or instance of filling. [see filling]

2. . something that is put in to fill something else

this meal is very fulling!

46. Furnace

Furnace / [fur nis]/ n [roxglish]

1. the part of a chimney that opens into a room and in which fuel is burned; hearth.. [ See Fireplace ]

2. any open structure, usually of masonry, for keeping a fire, as at a campsite.

priya when u go to aus, you wont have me as your human heater already, you can sit by the furnace..

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

45. Rhythem

Rhythem / [reeee tum]/ n [roxglish]

1. identity in sound of some part, esp. the end, of words or lines of verse. [ See Rhyme ]

2. verse or poetry having correspondence in the terminal sounds of the lines.

derek: hello muffin! bake me some muffins, muffin!
rxn: are you trying to rhythem? ..i think it kinda failed..

44. Bribe

Bribe / [brahyb]/ v [roxglish]

1.To express a threat against. [ See threaten ]

2. To be a source of danger to; menace.

3. Blackmail

rxn: tzeling i have your video.. i am going to bribe you with your video

Sunday, March 22, 2009

43. Britain

Britain / ['brit n]/ n [roxglish]

1. the people native to or inhabiting Great Britain. [See British]
2. British english
the Celtic language of the ancient Britons.

yc: the teacher is from greece... no wonder she dont sound english
kh: wow, the lecturer doesnt sound like a country

Friday, March 20, 2009

42. Microwave

Microwave / [mahy-kroh-weyv]/ n [roxglish]

1. the science dealing with electric charges and currents.

: priya: you know how tv works or not!
rxn: ya! of cos la! they work on microwave what!

41. Install

Install / [in-stawl]/ v [roxglish]

1. to place in position or connect for service or use: to install a heating system; to install software on a computer.

to establish in an office, position, or place: to install oneself in new quarters.

to induct into an office or the like with ceremonies or formalities.

: rxn: eh priya, you never take out your contacts then you install them in your eyes ah?

40. Koupun

Koupun / [kool-puhn]/ n [roxglish]

1. a portion of a certificate, ticket, label, advertisement, or the like, set off from the main body by dotted lines or the like to emphasize its separability, entitling the holder to something, as a gift or discount, or for use as an order blank, a contest entry form, etc.

2. a separate certificate, ticket, etc., for the same purpose.

: rxn: i dont have koupun

39. Foreigncy

Foreigncy / [fawr-in-see]/ n [roxglish]

1. the commonly-used short form for Foreign Currency. [See foreign currency]

: economics lecturer babbling about foreign currency.
rxn busily copied down some notes.
xy: eh what is this word?
rxn: foreigncy!
xy: rxn, there's no such word as foreigncy!!! it is foreign currency!!
rxn; really meh? foreign currency is spelt as foreigncy what..

38. Sari

Sari /[sahr-ee]/ n [roxglish]

1. a scarf worn around the head by Muslim women in Malaysia; conceals the hair but not the face [See Tudung]

rxn: later you wear the sari on ur head ah!

37. Must Well

Must well /[muhst wel]/ n [roxglish]
Must as well / [muhst as wel]/ n [roxglish]

1. might as well:
You might as well as stay indoors, instead of going out since it is raining cats and dogs.

: rxn: qh you must well bring your dinner up the hill to eat

Thursday, March 19, 2009

36. Insects

Insects /[ ein-sacts ]/ n [roxglish]

1. any cold-blooded vertebrate of the class Amphibia, comprising frogs and toads, newts and salamanders, and caecilians, the larvae being typically aquatic, breathing by gills, and the adults being typically semiterrestrial, breathing by lungs and through the moist, glandular skin [See Amphibian]

2. any vertebrate of the class Mammalia, having the body more or less covered with hair, nourishing the young with milk from the mammary glands, and, with the exception of the egg-laying monotremes, giving birth to live young. [See Mammals]

someone: hey roxane are you scared of frogs?
rxn: im scared of all insects
someone: huh frogs leh...
rxn: ya im scared of all insects
(laughter from everybody)
rxn: no. im scared of mammals
qh : rxn, have you heard of the term amphibian before?
priya: even if she say reptiles ill give it to her ah!

Monday, February 23, 2009

35. In front of you

In front of you /[ in fruhnt of yew ]/ n [roxglish]

1. scared of hammer

English: who scared who? tortoise in front of you.
Chinese : 谁怕谁,乌龟在眼前.

34. Maths

Maths /[ meh-ts ]/ n [roxglish]

1. a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws: the mathematical science. [See: Science]
2. systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation.
3. any of the branches of natural or physical science.

: jl: flamingoes can fly!
rxn: no they cant! your maths fail ah??

Monday, February 9, 2009

33. Hitten

Hitten /[ hĭt-'en ]/ v [roxglish]

1. to strike with a missile, a weapon, or the like; deal a blow or blows: The armies hit at dawn.
2. to come into collision (often fol. by against, on, or upon): The door hit against the wall.
3. Slang. to kill; murder.

Roxane: I tell you the story of the guy, he got banged by the car. (....storytelling...) .... then he got hitten.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

32. Boomerang

Boomerang /[ boo-muh-rang ]/ n [roxglish]

1. A West Indian dance in which the dancers keep bending over backward and passing under a pole that is lowered slightly each time. [See limbo rock]

: qh: you can cross under the chain to get to the other side
R: you think you boomerang ah!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

31. Acting

Acting /[ ak-ting ]/ n [roxglish]

1. a person who acts in stage plays, motion pictures, television broadcasts, etc. [See actor]
2. a person who does something; participant.

: priya you're such a good acting. stop faking in your accent

30. Renuion

Renuion /[ ree-noo-yuhn ]/ n [roxglish]

1. the act of uniting again. [See reunion]
2. a gathering of relatives, friends, or associates at regular intervals or after separation: a family renuion.

: later you going for renuion dinner with them?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

29. Syntatic

Syntatic /[ sin-thaa t-ik ]/ n [roxglish]

1. something made by a synthetic, or chemical, process.
2. substances or products made by chemical synthesis, as plastics or artificial fibers.

R: oh you are in lion red? and there's a lion red event coming up on july 15 right? haha, the black stuff was the syntatic soil from our field
Kehui: Roxane i think its spelled like this :Synthetic

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

28. Corn

Corn /[ kawrn ]/ n [roxglish]

1. Also called Indian corn; especially technical and British, maize. a tall cereal plant, Zea mays, cultivated in many varieties, having a jointed, solid stem and bearing the grain, seeds, or kernels on large ears.
2. the grain, seeds, or kernels of this plant, used for human food or for fodder.
3. the edible seed of certain other cereal plants, esp. wheat in England and oats in Scotland.
4. sweet corn.

: roxane says:
roxane says:
roxane says:
and he just said he has corn on his feet
roxane says:
then i said can eat or cannot eat one
Priya says:
Priya says:
i think i fainted.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

27. Meaning what

Meaning what /[ mee-ning wot ]/ ??! [roxglish]

1. How come? Informal. how is it that? why?
2. How so? how does it happen to be so? why?
3. Okay, then how?
4. So, now what
5. What are we doing now?
6. Huh?
7. ????? huh?
8. Then?

: priya: we are stuck in the train like contortionists so we didnt call you just now
rxn: meaning what?
priya: never mind never mind. we just get off the train and wait for you ok.
(hangs up phone)
priya: what meaning what! this is not a time to explain english to roxane!

26. Owe

Owe /[ o ]/ v [roxglish]

1. to have or hold as one's own; possess: They owe several homes. [See own]
2. to acknowledge or admit: to owe a fault.
3. to acknowledge as one's own; recognize as having full claim, authority, power, dominion, etc.: He owed his child before the entire assembly. They owed the king as their lord.

: i owe your land ah!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

25. Never be

Never be /[něv'ər ]/ adv [roxglish]

1. make it through

:keep holding on..... we'll never be. we'll never be (from avril lavigne's keep holding on)