Wednesday, December 31, 2008

10. You see

You see /[ yoo ] / v [roxglish]
1. This ain't
2. a scene
: you see you see, it's a god damn arms race! (from Fall Out Boy's "This ain't a scene")

Language Translation for : you see
Spanish: tú ver, German: du sehen , Japanese: あなた見る

Arabic: المُخاطَب المُفْرَد والجَمِع، الفاعِل والمَفْعول به
Chinese: 你看 : 你看你看,这是神他妈的手跑!

9. Egg

Egg /[ eg ] / n [roxglish]
1. semen [See Sperm]
2. a male reproductive cell; spermatozoon.
: you think im pregnant? when i was sleeping you put the egg in my womb right!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

8. The Only One

the only one/thee ohn-lee wuhn / n [roxglish]
1.a person who commits murder [see murderer]: I don't wanna be the only one (from Rihanna's "Unfaithful")

6. Generation

generation /[jen-uh-rey-shuhn] / n [roxglish]
1. the speech act of making something evident [syn: revelation]
2. an enlightening or astonishing disclosure
3. communication of knowledge to man by a divine or supernatural agency
4. the last book of the New Testament

: "Our hopes and expectations, black holes and generation"-Muse, from song Starlight.

5. Hustling and Bustling

Hustling and Bustling /huhs-uh ling n buhs-uh ling] / n [roxglish]
1. busy and noisy activity [See Hustle and Bustle]
2. energy and excitement
: So many people here! so hustling and bustling!

4. Prey

prey/prā / n [roxglish]
1. An organism that lives by preying on other organisms [See Predator]
2. One that victimizes, plunders, or destroys, especially for one's own gain
: She is always waiting like a prey for my errors! | im a prey im gonna hunt yoooou

3. Groupeh

Group · eh /gru:p.e/ v [roxglish] informal to move your hands over someone's body to get sexual pleasure, especially when they do not want you to do this: I'm gonna groupeh your breast!

2. Bee Cheng Hiang

Bee Che·ng Hi·ang /bi;t∫gn;jl∂/ n [roxglish] a) a shop famous for rice b) not called mei zhen xiang: I know where she bought the rice from! Bee cheng hiang. | Su mother buy rice from Bee Cheng Hiang.

1. Sexy

sex · y / seksi/ n [roxglish] 1 a person's name: They call me Sexy! 2 usually Stacey: Sexy's mum has got it going on~