Wednesday, January 28, 2009

32. Boomerang

Boomerang /[ boo-muh-rang ]/ n [roxglish]

1. A West Indian dance in which the dancers keep bending over backward and passing under a pole that is lowered slightly each time. [See limbo rock]

: qh: you can cross under the chain to get to the other side
R: you think you boomerang ah!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

31. Acting

Acting /[ ak-ting ]/ n [roxglish]

1. a person who acts in stage plays, motion pictures, television broadcasts, etc. [See actor]
2. a person who does something; participant.

: priya you're such a good acting. stop faking in your accent

30. Renuion

Renuion /[ ree-noo-yuhn ]/ n [roxglish]

1. the act of uniting again. [See reunion]
2. a gathering of relatives, friends, or associates at regular intervals or after separation: a family renuion.

: later you going for renuion dinner with them?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

29. Syntatic

Syntatic /[ sin-thaa t-ik ]/ n [roxglish]

1. something made by a synthetic, or chemical, process.
2. substances or products made by chemical synthesis, as plastics or artificial fibers.

R: oh you are in lion red? and there's a lion red event coming up on july 15 right? haha, the black stuff was the syntatic soil from our field
Kehui: Roxane i think its spelled like this :Synthetic

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

28. Corn

Corn /[ kawrn ]/ n [roxglish]

1. Also called Indian corn; especially technical and British, maize. a tall cereal plant, Zea mays, cultivated in many varieties, having a jointed, solid stem and bearing the grain, seeds, or kernels on large ears.
2. the grain, seeds, or kernels of this plant, used for human food or for fodder.
3. the edible seed of certain other cereal plants, esp. wheat in England and oats in Scotland.
4. sweet corn.

: roxane says:
roxane says:
roxane says:
and he just said he has corn on his feet
roxane says:
then i said can eat or cannot eat one
Priya says:
Priya says:
i think i fainted.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

27. Meaning what

Meaning what /[ mee-ning wot ]/ ??! [roxglish]

1. How come? Informal. how is it that? why?
2. How so? how does it happen to be so? why?
3. Okay, then how?
4. So, now what
5. What are we doing now?
6. Huh?
7. ????? huh?
8. Then?

: priya: we are stuck in the train like contortionists so we didnt call you just now
rxn: meaning what?
priya: never mind never mind. we just get off the train and wait for you ok.
(hangs up phone)
priya: what meaning what! this is not a time to explain english to roxane!

26. Owe

Owe /[ o ]/ v [roxglish]

1. to have or hold as one's own; possess: They owe several homes. [See own]
2. to acknowledge or admit: to owe a fault.
3. to acknowledge as one's own; recognize as having full claim, authority, power, dominion, etc.: He owed his child before the entire assembly. They owed the king as their lord.

: i owe your land ah!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

25. Never be

Never be /[něv'ər ]/ adv [roxglish]

1. make it through

:keep holding on..... we'll never be. we'll never be (from avril lavigne's keep holding on)

24. Beep Beep Boop Boop

Beep beep boop boop /[ bip bip bop bop ]/ v [roxglish]

1. Drift,
2. drift,
3. drift.

: fast and furious..... beep beep boop boop (from the song tokyo drift by teriyaki boyzz)

Friday, January 9, 2009

23. Better

Better /[ bět'ər ]/ adj. [roxglish]

1. of a distinct or particular kind or character [see: special]

:Last Christmas I gave you my heart,
But the very next day you threw it away.
This year to save me from tears,
I'll give it to someone BETTER.

22. Circular

Circular /[ sěk'yə-lər ]/ adj. [roxglish]
  1. Worldly rather than spiritual.
  2. Not specifically relating to religion or to a religious body: secular music.
  3. Relating to or advocating secularism.
  4. Not bound by monastic restrictions, especially not belonging to a religious order. Used of the clergy.
  5. Occurring or observed once in an age or century.
  6. Lasting from century to century.
:The school is circular what!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

21. Adolescence

Adolescence /[ ad-l-es-uhns ]/ n [roxglish]

1. Sympathy with a person who has experienced pain, grief, or misfortune: paid a visit of adolescence to the grieving family. See Synonyms at Condolence.
2. An expression or declaration of such sympathy.

: please send my adolescence to her.